What we stand for

Work Permit

We can helps you to proides international work permit in Eaurope or any other countries. In addition to allowing individuals to work legally, a work permit may also provide some benefits, such as access to health care, social security, and other government programs.


Looking for the best Study Visa Consultants in MOHALI? Australia / Canada / Newzealand & U.K. is best options to study abroad to study get an international degree.


AWC is a pioneer in providing a one-stop solution for all your global study needs. We are associated with reputed institutions in Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and USA.


Need to apply for a visa? Here’s all you need to know 

AWC provides you fully package of study visa in Canada / Australia / Schengen /UK / Newzealand.

You can begin your student visa application once you receive confirmation of your enrolment in your chosen university or institution. It’s best to apply as early as possible, regardless of when your program is due to start, as the time taken for your visa to process will vary from country to country. 

If you plan to seek any financial aid (in terms of scholarships and education loans), To avail any financial aid i.e., scholarship or education loan, the visa application should be initiated on a prior basis as the process can be time-consuming. 

We are Leading Visa Experts since 2012.

There are several steps to consider when you apply for a student visa. However, the order of these steps i.e., processes and requirements may vary as per the country where you plan to study. 

1 : Proof of your capacity to cover the cost of airfares, course tuition fees .

2 : Enrolment in a recognised educational institution.

3 : Passport size photos and a passport valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay.




Italy – is one of the European countries, where students come from all around the world. Why do most choose this country? The explanation is quite simple – a high level of education in relatively Read more…


Compared to many countries, living standards, quality education, civic sense, and equality are high in New Zealand. It is popular for excellent academics and home to some of the top 500 universities in the world. New Zealand Read more…


Europe houses some of the best and oldest universities in the world. Therefore, you can expect world-class education and scope for research in Europe. These universities offer multiple courses and specialization options to choose from. Read more…


Studying in Canada offers a globally recognized education in a diverse and inclusive environment. Renowned for its high academic standards, Canadian universities provide cutting-edge research opportunities and innovative programs. Why Choose Canada? Enjoy our renowned quality Read more…

The United Kingdom (U.K.)

The United Kingdom (UK) is home to some of the world’s oldest universities and colleges having their roots in the 12th and 13th centuries. Coming from such a strong legacy, education in the UK has become a Read more…


Australia is home to 6 of the world’s top 100 universities. It has over 40 universities, each offering a wide range of academic programs to choose from. Certain academic institutes also provide internships and paid Read more…

Get in Touch

Aspire World Career Mohali

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SCF 56, Top Floor, 3B2, Mohali (India) 160059

Email : info@awcvisaexpert.com

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+91 9915 16 4567

Mon – Sat :  09:00 AM - 19:00 PM
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